Are you burdened with your monthly home electric bills? No matter how you try to keep your consumption of electricity low, does it still hurt your pocket when payment is due? Have you pondered on ways on how you can eliminate this undesirable load from your budget? Well, worry no more. The answer to all these questions can actually be very simple: solar energy.
In homes, solar energy is a very good option since it is very efficient and environmentally friendly. All you have to do is invest on solar panels that will convert the heat coming from the sun to useful energy that you can use for numerous items in your household. These solar panels can be strategically placed on the part of your house where they will be in contact with the heat coming from the sun at all times. These devices can also supply heating and energy in your homes not only during the day but also at night time since they also have energy storage devices.
So how do they work?
These solar panels, or solar cells, are also known as photovoltaic cells (PV) that are in turn made of semiconductors such as silicon. When light hits the cells, it is absorbed and then transferred into the semiconductor which lets loose electrons allowing them to move freely. The PV then has the capacity to direct the electrons to flow in a certain direction which is now the current that we can use externally. Lights in your yard, for instance, can be made to work using solar energy. Calculators with small solar panels also function without the use of your standard batteries. Even heating your water can be made possible through the use of energy from sunlight. Watching television, turning on air-conditioning units, operating washing machines, and surfing the net for hours in your laptops can be just some household activities that can be done without the guilt or worry of high electricity bills if you are to use solar energy. And since heat coming from the sun is inexhaustible, there is no possibility of having blackouts in your entire home.Among the advantages of using solar energy are:
1) Environmental friendly
Being a renewable source of energy, it is highly sustainable and clean to use. Unlike nuclear energy and energy obtained from fossil fuels, solar energy does not leave behind waste products and is a non-polluting source of energy. It doesn’t have the dangers of nuclear technology.
2) Reduced cost
The best part about using solar energy probably is that it is free. Direct from the sun. Even thought, there are certain time where the weather conditions are cloudy and stormy where solar power may not be received, but such days are exceptions and not the rule. After the one-time investment in the solar energy device gets fully recovered, the energy that is provided by the sun is absolutely free and does not involve any further investments.
3) Independent or semi-independent
The semi-independent benefit of the solar energy includes offset utilization of energy consumption supplied and the ability to operate independently without requiring the support of any gas or power grid. Therefore solar energy can be installed in remote locations (like holiday log cabins), making it more practical and cost-effective than the supply of utility electricity to a new site.
4) Little or no maintenance
Solar equipment requires less maintenance as compared to conventional energy equipment, resulting in significant cost saving. As the solar equipment do not require investment or expenditure in its maintenance, a large amount of maintenance cost can be saved. After installation, the solar energy systems do not need to be paid for the recurring costs.
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