Monday, March 30, 2009
Advanced Solar Photonics in the NEWS!

Friday, March 27, 2009
Global Solar Technology Features Laser Direct Writing
Advanced Solar Photonics, (ASP), the cutting-edge developer of equipment for solar panel processing, thin film solar cells, and commercial solar equipment announced the invention of Laser Direct Writing for tracking thin film solar panels...
To read the full piece, please click the logo below:

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Lake Mary firm to build first solar panel plant in Florida
Advanced Solar Photonics LLC, a laser technology provider for solar panel makers, will build the first solar panel module plant in Florida, creating up to 200 new jobs...
Read the complete story here:
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Zero Width Laser Cutting Technology

Precisely cutting glass and other substrates has always been a vexing problem for the solar industry. For years now, there have been two major cutting methods: mechanical scribing or sawing and laser cutting. The explosive rise of the photovoltaic industry has put new demands on these existing cutting technologies. Advanced Solar Photonics utilizes ZWLCT® in its Fantom G8™, a thin-film laser scribing system.
Advanced Solar Photonics is the cutting-edge developer of laser equipment for solar panel processing, thin-film solar cells, and commercial solar products for the solar industry. Our laser equipment performs edge isolation, deletion, glass scribing, coating removal, laser marking and cutting. Our thin-film solar panels are produced using our proven patented method and expertise gained first hand to manufacture panels with one of the highest thin-film efficiencies and low cost per kilowatt hour. Additionally, ASP has created commercial equipment, like the solar tower, utilizing our thin-film panels. Our various technologies can increase production and efficiency, minimize waste, and in some cases, increase the overall efficiency of the PV cells. For more information, visit http://www.advancedsolarphotonics.com/ or call us direct at (407) 829-2613.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Advanced Solar Photonics Receives Two Letters of Intent

Under the proposed terms of the agreement, the companies will purchase 15 MW SunPanels™ from ASP. The Generation 8 SunPanels™ are the most efficient thin-film panels on the market providing eight times more power from one panel than competition. Additionally, SunPanels™ all glass components are manufactured with patented Zero Width Laser Cutting Technology™ providing 4-5 times stronger and defect free edges to withstand extreme day/night temperature changes in the harsh desert environments ensuring 25+ years of long term module stability.
ASP is located in a 318,000 square foot headquarters in Lake Mary, Florida employing an international team of technology driven professionals. Reaching out to the photovoltaic industry, ASP strives to lower manufacturing costs utilizing proven patented technology geared to improve and lower the cost per kilowatt. This technology is applicable to both the silicon and thin-film processes.
Media Contact:
Maureen McHale
Corporate Marketing and Public Relations Manager
407-829-2613 x317
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Advanced Solar Photonics Announces the SolarTower™
The SolarTower™ generates approximately 4 kW per SolarTower™.
It's automated sun following allows the SolarTower™ to move with the suns motion, maintaining constant solar exposure.
Multiple SunPanels™ can be added for increased power generation .
A small plot size is needed for installation .
The SolarTower™ meets state requirements for solar energy incentive programs .
Its modular design of base can accommodate additional panels as needed.
The SolarTower™ is Advanced Solar Photonics’ commercial photovoltaic solution for solar energy by commercial and industrial businesses. The Solar Towers™ design allows for the highest amount of energy produced with the smallest footprint. This new design incorporates Advanced Solar Photonics’ SunPanels™ by mounting them to an innovative modular pole design allowing for ingenious utilization of space. Our SunPanels™ can be mounted strategically around your facility without the use of conventional mounting on roofs.