Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lake Mary firm to build first solar panel plant in Florida

Advanced Solar Photonics was featured in the Orlando Business Journal.

Advanced Solar Photonics LLC, a laser technology provider for solar panel makers, will build the first solar panel module plant in Florida, creating up to 200 new jobs...

Read the complete story here:


zhomeenergy said...

There are two types of systems, "active solar water heating systems" and "passive solar water heating systems." They both work on the same principles.

Solar Hot Water

Edward Robins said...

Solar cells are the main components of solar panels that work to convert the sun's natural energy into electricity without the need for any other device.

Solar Panel

Edward Robins said...

While a huge investment may be required to set up a home solar system, the savings families can gain for the long term can offset the amount they spent during the purchase and installation of the needed equipment.

solar energy