Advanced Solar Photonics has expanded its SolarFAB solar panel manufacturing facility to produce 40MW of thin film and up to 500MW of monocrystalline solar panels.
Advanced Solar Photonics, (ASP), has increased the product line for its previously announced SolarFAB™ project in Lake Mary, Florida to include not only thin film, but also mono-crystalline solar modules.

Having securing a 318,000 square foot facility within the last year, ASP is in the assembly stage of developing the two lines. Clean rooms are in place, equipment is starting to arrive and a pilot line will be up and running within the next few weeks. The first mono-crystalline panels are slated to some off the line by the end of the summer, 2009. Full thin film production is scheduled to ramp up by late 2010.
“Adding another dimension to the manufacturing plant not only allows us to meet customer demands, it also increases job creation for the Central Florida area. Up from projecting approximately 200 green jobs, we now estimate SolarFAB™ will employ 1500 people,” said McHale.
With the dependence on foreign oil, environmental degradation and the vulnerability of power networks, SolarFAB™ SunPanels™, both thin film and the new mono-crystalline, will help meet government and consumers’ growing demand for increasingly efficient and cost- effective solar power.
Advanced Solar Photonics, located in Lake Mary, Florida employs an international team of technology driven professionals. Reaching out to the photovoltaic industry, ASP strives to lower manufacturing costs utilizing proven patented technology geared to improve and lower the cost per kilowatt. This technology is applicable to both the silicon and thin film processes.
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